Belz, A., Eckhause, J., Terrile, R., Zapatero, F., “A Real Options Methodology for R&D Portfolio Selection and Management: Applications to the NASA SBIR Program,” 2021.
Giga, A., Graddy-Reed, A., Belz, A., Terrile, R., Zapatero, F., “Helping the Little Guy: the impact of government awards on small technology firms,” The Journal of Technology Transfer, 2021.
Belz, A., Zapatero, F., Terrile, R., Kawas, M., Giga, A., “Mapping the ‘Valley of Death’: Managing Selection and Technology Advancement in NASA’s Small Business Innovation Research Program,” IEEE Transactions in Engineering Management 68 (5), 2021.
Belz, A., Giga, A., “Of Mice or Men: Management of Federally Funded Innovation Portfolios With Real Options Analysis,” IEEE Engineering Management Review, 2018.
Giga, A., Terrile, R., Belz, A., Zapatero, F., “The impact of NASA’s Small Business Innovation Research Program on invention and innovation,” IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2016.
Terrile, R., Jackson, B., Belz, A., “Consideration of risk and reward in balancing technology portfolios,” IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2014.
Beauchamp, P., Belz, A., “Assessing planetary protection and contamination control technologies for planetary science missions,” IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2013.
Balint, T., Kolawa, E., Peterson, C., Cutts, J., Belz, A., “Extreme environments technologies for probes to Venus and Jupiter,” 2007.
Peterson, C., Balint, T., Belz, A., Cutts, J., “Overview of High Priority Technologies for Solar System Exploration,” IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2007.
Belz, A., Cutts, J., “Planning for planetary protection : challenges beyond Mars,” IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montana, 2006.